Sunday, March 8, 2020

There's nothing + (subject) + can + (verb)

There's nothing you can do to change the past.
There's nothing she can say to make it better.
There's nothing they can offer that will change my mind.
There's nothing we can do except wait for the results.
There's nothing he can do to fix the situation now.
There's nothing the doctor can prescribe to cure a broken heart.
There's nothing the team can do but accept their defeat gracefully.
There's nothing I can do to control other people's actions.
There's nothing technology can't achieve with time and effort.
There's nothing anyone can do to predict the future with absolute certainty.
There's nothing nature can't recover from with proper care.
There's nothing parents can do to shield their children from all challenges.
There's nothing the teacher can do if the students don't want to learn.
There's nothing the chef can't cook up with the right ingredients.
There's nothing the law can do if the evidence is insufficient.
There's nothing friends can't accomplish when they work together.
There's nothing the artist can't express through their creativity.
There's nothing a good night's sleep can't help you overcome.
There's nothing your age can't achieve with determination and persistence.
There's nothing the rain can't wash away from the streets.

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