Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It's no use + (verb-ing) (............... बेकार है)

It's no use + (verb-ing) (............... बेकार है) 
It's no use crying over spilled milk.
It's no use arguing with someone who refuses to listen.
It's no use waiting for the bus if it's already late.
It's no use worrying about things beyond your control.
It's no use rushing through the project if the quality is compromised.
It's no use avoiding the problem; you'll have to face it eventually.
It's no use trying to change someone's opinion if they're not open to it.
It's no use studying for the exam at the last minute; you won't retain much.
It's no use dwelling on past mistakes; focus on the future instead.
It's no use continuing a relationship that lacks trust and communication.
It's no use overthinking every little decision; sometimes you just need to act.
It's no use complaining about the weather; you can't change it.
It's no use second-guessing yourself all the time; trust your instincts.
It's no use starting a new project without a clear plan in place.
It's no use asking for help if you're not willing to accept it when offered.
It's no use keeping a grudge; forgiveness can bring peace of mind.
It's no use avoiding exercise and expecting to stay healthy.
It's no use trying to please everyone; you can't make everyone happy.
It's no use staying up too late if you have an early morning tomorrow.
It's no use making excuses for your actions; take responsibility instead.

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