Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It's my turn to + (verb)(ये मेरी बारी है)

It's my turn to cook dinner tonight.
It's my turn to choose the movie we'll watch.
It's my turn to take out the trash.
It's my turn to lead the presentation at the meeting.
It's my turn to drive the kids to school.
It's my turn to do the dishes after dinner.
It's my turn to pick the restaurant for lunch.
It's my turn to water the plants in the garden.
It's my turn to answer the phone.
It's my turn to organize the office party.
It's my turn to walk the dog this evening.
It's my turn to decide the weekend activity.
It's my turn to pay for the tickets to the concert.
It's my turn to write the next section of the report.
It's my turn to clean up the living room.
It's my turn to set up the board game for us.
It's my turn to give a presentation in class.
It's my turn to make the bed this morning.
It's my turn to handle customer inquiries today.
It's my turn to choose the desserts for the party.

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