Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I don't know why to + (verb)

I don't know why to bother with such trivial matters.
I don't know why to continue pursuing a career that doesn't fulfill me.
I don't know why to hesitate when opportunities are right in front of us.
I don't know why to invest time in relationships that bring negativity.
I don't know why to give up on my dreams just because of setbacks.
I don't know why to apologize for something that wasn't my fault.
I don't know why to delay starting a healthy lifestyle.
I don't know why to avoid speaking my mind and sharing my opinions.
I don't know why to limit myself when the world offers endless possibilities.
I don't know why to wait for permission to take action.
I don't know why to fear the unknown when it holds potential for growth.
I don't know why to resist change when it's the only constant in life.
I don't know why to conform to societal expectations that don't align with my values.
I don't know why to ignore the beauty of simple moments.
I don't know why to neglect self-care for the sake of others.
I don't know why to doubt my abilities when I've overcome challenges before.
I don't know why to settle for mediocrity when excellence is within reach.
I don't know why to stress over things beyond my control.
I don't know why to stop learning just because formal education has ended.
I don't know why to avoid taking chances that could lead to incredible experiences.

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