Thursday, March 19, 2020

Let's not + (verb)

Let's not rush through this project; quality is more important than speed.
Let's not forget to double-check the calculations before submitting the report.
Let's not waste any more time debating minor details; we should focus on the big picture.
Let's not make assumptions without proper evidence to support our conclusions.
Let's not underestimate the challenges ahead; careful planning is essential.
Let's not delay addressing this issue any further; it could escalate if left unresolved.
Let's not jump to conclusions before we've gathered all the necessary information.
Let's not lose sight of our main objective while dealing with these distractions.
Let's not compromise on our ethical standards, even if it means a longer process.
Let's not settle for the first solution that comes to mind; we should explore alternatives.
Let's not allow fear to hold us back from pursuing innovative ideas.
Let's not ignore the feedback we've received; it could lead to valuable improvements.
Let's not underestimate the power of teamwork in achieving our goals.
Let's not procrastinate any longer; it's time to take action.
Let's not ignore the signs of burnout; taking breaks is essential for our well-being.
Let's not ignore the potential consequences of our decisions; careful consideration is key.
Let's not repeat the same mistakes; instead, let's learn from them.
Let's not dismiss constructive criticism; it can help us grow and improve.
Let's not hesitate to ask for help when we're facing challenges beyond our expertise.
Let's not give up just because we've encountered obstacles; perseverance is crucial.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I don't know why to + (verb)

I don't know why to bother with such trivial matters.
I don't know why to continue pursuing a career that doesn't fulfill me.
I don't know why to hesitate when opportunities are right in front of us.
I don't know why to invest time in relationships that bring negativity.
I don't know why to give up on my dreams just because of setbacks.
I don't know why to apologize for something that wasn't my fault.
I don't know why to delay starting a healthy lifestyle.
I don't know why to avoid speaking my mind and sharing my opinions.
I don't know why to limit myself when the world offers endless possibilities.
I don't know why to wait for permission to take action.
I don't know why to fear the unknown when it holds potential for growth.
I don't know why to resist change when it's the only constant in life.
I don't know why to conform to societal expectations that don't align with my values.
I don't know why to ignore the beauty of simple moments.
I don't know why to neglect self-care for the sake of others.
I don't know why to doubt my abilities when I've overcome challenges before.
I don't know why to settle for mediocrity when excellence is within reach.
I don't know why to stress over things beyond my control.
I don't know why to stop learning just because formal education has ended.
I don't know why to avoid taking chances that could lead to incredible experiences.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

I don't know how to + (verb)

I don't know how to
I don't know how to
I don't know how to 
I don't know how to 
I don't know how to 
I don't know how to 
I don't know how to 
I don't know how to
I don't know how to 
I don't know how to 
  1. Run
  2. Jump
  3. Swim
  4. Eat
  5. Write
  6. Speak
  7. Dance
  8. Sing
  9. Drive
  10. Play
  11. Paint
  12. Climb
  13. Read
  14. Cook
  15. Build
  16. Laugh
  17. Cry
  18. Think
  19. Solve
  20. Create
  21. Explore
  22. Sleep
  23. Wake
  24. Fly
  25. Hug
  26. Fight
  27. Love
  28. Hate
  29. Breathe
  30. Whisper
  31. Shout
  32. Listen
  33. Watch
  34. Touch
  35. Push
  36. Pull
  37. Lift
  38. Drop
  39. Catch

eat food.
drive a car.
play cricket.
build a company.
waste time.
make food.
think bigger.
use mobile.
pass order in hotel.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

What to + verb + what not to + same verb

What to play what not to play
what to eat what not to eat
what to see what not to see
what to drink what not to drink
what to buy what not to buy

1_ feel
2_ ask
3_ work
4_ give
5_ see

I don't know what to + (verb)

I don't know what to say in this situation.
I don't know what to do with all this extra time.
I don't know what to cook for dinner tonight.
I don't know what to wear to the party.
I don't know what to watch on TV tonight.
I don't know what to write in this card.
I don't know what to study for the upcoming exam.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
I don't know what to prioritize in my life right now.
I don't know what to buy as a gift for her birthday.
I don't know what to read next from my bookshelf.
I don't know what to do about this relationship.
I don't know what to do to improve my productivity.
I don't know what to do about the noisy neighbors.
I don't know what to do to make new friends.
I don't know what to do with my old clothes.
I don't know what to do with this complicated math problem.
I don't know what to plant in my garden this season.
I don't know what to do to overcome my fear of public speaking.
I don't know what to do to kickstart my fitness routine.

There's nothing + (subject) + can + (verb)

There's nothing you can do to change the past.
There's nothing she can say to make it better.
There's nothing they can offer that will change my mind.
There's nothing we can do except wait for the results.
There's nothing he can do to fix the situation now.
There's nothing the doctor can prescribe to cure a broken heart.
There's nothing the team can do but accept their defeat gracefully.
There's nothing I can do to control other people's actions.
There's nothing technology can't achieve with time and effort.
There's nothing anyone can do to predict the future with absolute certainty.
There's nothing nature can't recover from with proper care.
There's nothing parents can do to shield their children from all challenges.
There's nothing the teacher can do if the students don't want to learn.
There's nothing the chef can't cook up with the right ingredients.
There's nothing the law can do if the evidence is insufficient.
There's nothing friends can't accomplish when they work together.
There's nothing the artist can't express through their creativity.
There's nothing a good night's sleep can't help you overcome.
There's nothing your age can't achieve with determination and persistence.
There's nothing the rain can't wash away from the streets.

It's very kind of you to + (verb)

It's very kind of you to offer your assistance.
It's very kind of you to invite me to your event.
It's very kind of you to share your knowledge with me.
It's very kind of you to help me with my project.
It's very kind of you to lend a hand when I needed it.
It's very kind of you to listen to my concerns.
It's very kind of you to give me your time and attention.
It's very kind of you to consider my opinion.
It's very kind of you to support me through tough times.
It's very kind of you to donate to the charity.
It's very kind of you to show understanding.
It's very kind of you to make me feel welcome.
It's very kind of you to be patient with me.
It's very kind of you to offer your advice.
It's very kind of you to share your experiences.
It's very kind of you to bring a gift.
It's very kind of you to offer your feedback.
It's very kind of you to lend your expertise.
It's very kind of you to be so thoughtful.
It's very kind of you to show empathy.

It takes time to + (verb)

It takes time to learn a new language fluently.
It takes time to build a strong and lasting friendship.
It takes time to develop valuable professional skills.
It takes time to heal from emotional wounds.
It takes time to master playing a musical instrument.
It takes time to adjust to a new environment.
It takes time to create a successful business from scratch.
It takes time to understand complex scientific theories.
It takes time to cultivate a healthy and loving relationship.
It takes time to recover from a major surgery.
It takes time to improve one's physical fitness and endurance.
It takes time to write a well-researched and thoughtful book.
It takes time to adapt to major life changes.
It takes time to save up for a significant financial goal.
It takes time to recover from a broken heart.
It takes time to develop effective problem-solving skills.
It takes time to build trust with others.
It takes time to refine artistic talents.
It takes time to overcome past traumas.
It takes time to achieve a high level of expertise in a particular field.

It looks like + (noun)

t looks like rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.
It looks like a busy day at the mall with all the shoppers.
It looks like the concert tickets are sold out already.
It looks like a great opportunity for us to expand our business.
It looks like there's a problem with the car's engine.
It looks like a beautiful sunset is happening right now.
It looks like the new restaurant in town is getting positive reviews.
It looks like the team is working hard to meet the project deadline.
It looks like the cat found a cozy spot by the window.
It looks like a misunderstanding led to this confusion.
It looks like the old bridge is undergoing repairs.
It looks like a competitive market for smartphone manufacturers.
It looks like a challenging math problem to solve.
It looks like the book has become quite popular among readers.
It looks like a quiet evening ahead with no disturbances.

How often do you + verb

How often do you exercise?
How often do you go for a walk?
How often do you cook at home?
How often do you visit your family?
How often do you watch movies?
How often do you read books?
How often do you check your email?
How often do you practice playing the piano?
How often do you clean your house?
How often do you take vacations?
How often do you eat out at restaurants?
How often do you call your friends?
How often do you attend social events?
How often do you study a new language?
How often do you meditate?
How often do you update your resume?
How often do you water your plants?
How often do you go to the gym?
How often do you do laundry?
How often do you go shopping?

Live and let live(जिओ ओर जिने दो)

She dances, and I let her dance freely.
He sings so beautifully that we let him sing the solo.
They run around the yard, and we let them run wild.
I write in my journal, and I let my thoughts flow onto the paper.
The kids play with their toys, and we let them play for hours.
She cooks dinner tonight, and I'll let her cook her special recipe.
He drives the car, and I let him drive my new one.
They swim in the lake, and we let them swim until sunset.
I study for the exam, and I'll let myself study until I feel confident.
She paints the canvas, and I let her paint with all her creativity.
He speaks his mind openly, and we let him speak without interruption.
They practice the piano, and we let them practice until they're satisfied.
I read the story, and I'll let myself read it again for deeper understanding.
She bakes the cake, and I let her bake it from scratch.
He sketches the landscape, and we let him sketch at his own pace.
They work on their project, and we let them work without any distractions.
I lift weights, and I let myself challenge my physical limits.
She designs the logo, and I let her design it according to her vision.
He solves the puzzle, and we let him solve it without giving hints.
They laugh at their inside jokes, and we let them laugh as much as they want.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

I think I should + (verb)

I think I should + (verb) 
I think I should exercise more often to improve my fitness.
I think I should apologize for what I said earlier.
I think I should learn a new language to broaden my horizons.
I think I should save more money for future expenses.
I think I should spend more time with my family and friends.
I think I should focus on my career development and seek new opportunities.
I think I should read more books to expand my knowledge.
I think I should volunteer and give back to my community.
I think I should travel to new places and experience different cultures.
I think I should start eating healthier to take care of my well-being.
I think I should pursue a hobby that brings me joy and relaxation.
I think I should take a break and recharge to avoid burnout.
I think I should be more open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives.
I think I should be more proactive in tackling challenges that come my way.
I think I should practice mindfulness to reduce stress and anxiety.
I think I should learn to play a musical instrument to express myself creatively.
I think I should quit a bad habit that's affecting my health.
I think I should start setting specific goals to achieve personal growth.
I think I should communicate my feelings and thoughts more openly.
I think I should spend less time on social media and more time engaging in real-life activities.

I'll help you + (verb)

I'll help you + (verb) 
I'll help you clean up the mess.
I'll help you study for the exam.
I'll help you cook dinner tonight.
I'll help you move the furniture around.
I'll help you organize your closet.
I'll help you with your presentation.
I'll help you fix your car.
I'll help you paint the walls.
I'll help you plan your trip.
I'll help you find a solution to the problem.
I'll help you learn how to use the software.
I'll help you practice your guitar playing.
I'll help you set up the new computer.
I'll help you pick out an outfit for the party.
I'll help you plant flowers in the garden.
I'll help you assemble the furniture.
I'll help you make a budget for your expenses.
I'll help you translate that document.
I'll help you clean out the garage.
I'll help you choose a gift for your friend.

It's no use + (verb-ing) (............... बेकार है)

It's no use + (verb-ing) (............... बेकार है) 
It's no use crying over spilled milk.
It's no use arguing with someone who refuses to listen.
It's no use waiting for the bus if it's already late.
It's no use worrying about things beyond your control.
It's no use rushing through the project if the quality is compromised.
It's no use avoiding the problem; you'll have to face it eventually.
It's no use trying to change someone's opinion if they're not open to it.
It's no use studying for the exam at the last minute; you won't retain much.
It's no use dwelling on past mistakes; focus on the future instead.
It's no use continuing a relationship that lacks trust and communication.
It's no use overthinking every little decision; sometimes you just need to act.
It's no use complaining about the weather; you can't change it.
It's no use second-guessing yourself all the time; trust your instincts.
It's no use starting a new project without a clear plan in place.
It's no use asking for help if you're not willing to accept it when offered.
It's no use keeping a grudge; forgiveness can bring peace of mind.
It's no use avoiding exercise and expecting to stay healthy.
It's no use trying to please everyone; you can't make everyone happy.
It's no use staying up too late if you have an early morning tomorrow.
It's no use making excuses for your actions; take responsibility instead.

How much does it cost to + (verb)(कितना लगेगा ......)

How much does it cost to + (verb)(कितना लगेगा ......)

You are simply asking how much you would need to pay to do something.

How much does it cost to travel to Europe?
How much does it cost to build a house?
How much does it cost to go skydiving?
How much does it cost to study abroad?
How much does it cost to start a small business?
How much does it cost to repair a car engine?
How much does it cost to adopt a pet from a shelter?
How much does it cost to get a dental implant?
How much does it cost to take dance lessons?
How much does it cost to install solar panels?
How much does it cost to attend a music festival?
How much does it cost to hire a personal trainer?
How much does it cost to print a book?
How much does it cost to rent a yacht for a day?
How much does it cost to get a passport expedited?
How much does it cost to paint a room?
How much does it cost to enroll in a cooking class?
How much does it cost to get a professional website designed?
How much does it cost to repair a leaky roof?
How much does it cost to host a wedding reception?

It's time to + (verb) (ये वक्त है ........)

It's time to + (verb) (ये वक्त है ........)
You are letting someone know that something is required to be done at the present time.
"It's time to say goodbye."
"It's time to ask for money."
"It's time to collect our money."
"It's time to cheer for our team."
"It's time to change the clocks."
"It is time to decide what to do."
"It is time to enjoy ourselves."
"It is time to work out."
"It is time to join a gym."

Let me + (verb) (मुझे करने दो)

Let me + (verb) (मुझे करने दो) 
Let me know if you need any help.
Let me finish my work before we go out.
Let me take a look at that document.
Let me introduce you to our new team member.
Let me explain how this process works.
Let me try to fix the issue for you.
Let me handle the negotiations with the client.
Let me show you how to use this software.
Let me give you a piece of advice.
Let me remind you about the meeting tomorrow.
Let me express my gratitude for your help.
Let me share my thoughts on this topic.
Let me take care of the arrangements for the event.
Let me clarify any doubts you might have.
Let me update you on the latest developments.
Let me apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Let me make a suggestion for improving the process.
Let me assure you that we are committed to quality.
Let me handle the coordination between departments.
Let me present the proposal to the board.

It's hard for me to + (verb) (ये मेरे लिये मुश्किल है ..........)

It's hard for me to concentrate when there's so much noise around.
It's hard for me to let go of things that hold sentimental value.
It's hard for me to wake up early in the morning.
It's hard for me to express my feelings openly.
It's hard for me to trust people I've just met.
It's hard for me to say no to others, even when I want to.
It's hard for me to make decisions quickly.
It's hard for me to accept criticism without feeling defensive.
It's hard for me to stick to a strict diet or exercise routine.
It's hard for me to ask for help when I need it.
It's hard for me to confront someone about an issue.
It's hard for me to forgive someone who has hurt me deeply.
It's hard for me to adjust to new environments.
It's hard for me to be patient when things aren't going as planned.
It's hard for me to let someone else take control.
It's hard for me to delegate tasks to others.
It's hard for me to keep a consistent journal or diary.
It's hard for me to remember names and faces.
It's hard for me to break bad habits.
It's hard for me to express myself in front of a large group of people.

I'm working on + (noun) (मै काम कर रहा हु........)

I'm working on a new project for our upcoming product launch.
I'm working on improving my coding skills through online courses.
I'm working on a research paper about renewable energy technologies.
I'm working on my fitness by following a rigorous workout routine.
I'm working on a painting that's inspired by the beauty of nature.
I'm working on developing a mobile app to help people track their expenses.
I'm working on my presentation skills for an important conference next month.
I'm working on a novel that explores themes of identity and belonging.
I'm working on a culinary experiment to create a unique fusion dish.
I'm working on mastering the art of playing the piano.
I'm working on a documentary film that highlights social issues in our community.
I'm working on growing a variety of vegetables in my backyard garden.
I'm working on building a remote-controlled drone from scratch.
I'm working on learning a new language to enhance my global communication skills.
I'm working on a woodworking project to create a custom dining table.
I'm working on a business proposal to attract potential investors.
I'm working on improving my time management techniques for greater productivity.
I'm working on a DIY home renovation to transform my living space.
I'm working on a fashion design portfolio to showcase my creative ideas.
I'm working on a community event to raise awareness about environmental conservation.

It's my turn to + (verb)(ये मेरी बारी है)

It's my turn to cook dinner tonight.
It's my turn to choose the movie we'll watch.
It's my turn to take out the trash.
It's my turn to lead the presentation at the meeting.
It's my turn to drive the kids to school.
It's my turn to do the dishes after dinner.
It's my turn to pick the restaurant for lunch.
It's my turn to water the plants in the garden.
It's my turn to answer the phone.
It's my turn to organize the office party.
It's my turn to walk the dog this evening.
It's my turn to decide the weekend activity.
It's my turn to pay for the tickets to the concert.
It's my turn to write the next section of the report.
It's my turn to clean up the living room.
It's my turn to set up the board game for us.
It's my turn to give a presentation in class.
It's my turn to make the bed this morning.
It's my turn to handle customer inquiries today.
It's my turn to choose the desserts for the party.

I'm sorry to + (verb) (माफी चाहुंगा)

I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I ask a question?
I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help me with this task?
I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.
I'm sorry to inform you that the event has been canceled.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we're out of stock at the moment.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your pet.
I'm sorry to hear about your recent troubles.
I'm sorry to say that your application was not successful.
I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you proofread this document for me?
I'm sorry to have to correct you, but that information is inaccurate.
I'm sorry to have to decline the invitation due to a prior commitment.
I'm sorry to bring up a sensitive topic, but we need to discuss this issue.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting; I'll be with you shortly.
I'm sorry to hear about the misunderstanding; let's clear it up.
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a difficult time.

I'm calling to + (verb) (मै काल कर रहा हु)

I'm calling to inform you about the upcoming event.
I'm calling to request a refund for my recent purchase.
I'm calling to schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith.
I'm calling to discuss the details of the project proposal.
I'm calling to check on the status of my application.
I'm calling to clarify the instructions you provided.
I'm calling to express my concerns regarding the recent changes.
I'm calling to follow up on the email I sent yesterday.
I'm calling to place an order for the new product.
I'm calling to share some exciting news with you.
I'm calling to report a problem with the service I received.
I'm calling to congratulate you on your recent achievement.
I'm calling to confirm the date and time of our meeting.
I'm calling to offer my assistance with the upcoming event.
I'm calling to apologize for the misunderstanding that occurred.
I'm calling to inquire about the availability of the item.
I'm calling to discuss the options for upgrading my subscription.
I'm calling to get more information about your company's services.
I'm calling to remind you of our appointment tomorrow.
I'm calling to thank you for your help and support.