Monday, August 21, 2023

W/H + To Be Verb + Subject + Adjective + Rest of the Sentence

What is your favorite color?
How is the weather today?
Who is responsible for this mess?
Why is that movie so popular?
Where are my glasses?
How are you feeling after the exam?
What is the best way to solve this puzzle?
Why is the new restaurant so crowded?
How is your new pet adjusting to the environment?
What was the reason behind their sudden departure?
Why is this book considered a classic?
How is the patient's condition improving?
What is the purpose of this event?
Why is the team so motivated to win?
How is the project progressing so far?
What is your opinion on the current political situation?
How is the new teaching method effective?
Why is the river water so clear in this area?
What is the significance of this ancient artifact?
How is the battery life on your new phone?

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