Monday, August 21, 2023

W/H + Helping Verb + Subject + To Be Verb + Rest of the Sentence

Why are they so excited?
How is she feeling today?
Where is your favorite spot to relax?
When was the last time you visited that place?
What are the most important qualities in a friend?
How are the new employees adapting to the company culture?
Why is this book so highly recommended?
Where are my keys usually kept?
When is the best time to water these plants?
What is your opinion on the current political situation?
Why are these cookies so popular among kids?
How is the project progressing so far?
Where are you planning to go for your vacation?
When is the next train to the city departing?
What is your preferred method of communication?
Why are these headphones considered the best in the market?
How is your new recipe different from the original one?
Where are my glasses? I can't seem to find them.
When is the concert scheduled to begin?
What are the main ingredients in this dish?

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