Monday, August 21, 2023

W/H + Helping Verb + Subject + Verb + Rest of the Sentence

Why did she leave the party early?
How can they solve this problem?
When will he complete the project?
What should we do to improve the situation?
Where did you find that book?
How could she manage to finish the race?
Why have they decided to move to a new city?
When will the new software update be released?
What must I do to prepare for the upcoming exam?
How did they react when they heard the news?
Why should we consider this option?
When will the concert tickets go on sale?
What did she say during the meeting?
How might he approach the negotiation?
Why is the traffic so heavy today?
When can we expect the delivery to arrive?
What did you think of the movie?
How would you handle a difficult customer?
Why did they cancel the event?
When should I start working on the presentation?

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