Monday, August 21, 2023

W/H + To Be Verb + Subject + Adjective + Rest of the Sentence

What is your favorite color?
How is the weather today?
Who is responsible for this mess?
Why is that movie so popular?
Where are my glasses?
How are you feeling after the exam?
What is the best way to solve this puzzle?
Why is the new restaurant so crowded?
How is your new pet adjusting to the environment?
What was the reason behind their sudden departure?
Why is this book considered a classic?
How is the patient's condition improving?
What is the purpose of this event?
Why is the team so motivated to win?
How is the project progressing so far?
What is your opinion on the current political situation?
How is the new teaching method effective?
Why is the river water so clear in this area?
What is the significance of this ancient artifact?
How is the battery life on your new phone?

W/H + Helping Verb + Subject + To Be Verb + Rest of the Sentence

Why are they so excited?
How is she feeling today?
Where is your favorite spot to relax?
When was the last time you visited that place?
What are the most important qualities in a friend?
How are the new employees adapting to the company culture?
Why is this book so highly recommended?
Where are my keys usually kept?
When is the best time to water these plants?
What is your opinion on the current political situation?
Why are these cookies so popular among kids?
How is the project progressing so far?
Where are you planning to go for your vacation?
When is the next train to the city departing?
What is your preferred method of communication?
Why are these headphones considered the best in the market?
How is your new recipe different from the original one?
Where are my glasses? I can't seem to find them.
When is the concert scheduled to begin?
What are the main ingredients in this dish?

W/H + To Be Verb + Subject + Rest of the Sentence

Where is the park?
Why is she upset?
What is your favorite movie?
When is the meeting scheduled?
How is the new restaurant in town?
Who is that person over there?
Why are they late to the party?
What is the purpose of this event?
When is your flight departure time?
How is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Who is responsible for completing this project?
Where are my keys?
Why is the computer not working properly?
What is the solution to this mathematical problem?
When is the best time to visit that tourist attraction?

W/H + Auxilliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb + Rest of the Sentence

What can you do to help?
How should we approach this problem?
Where must I go to find the information?
Why do they always arrive late?
When will she finish her assignment?
Who could have made such a mess?
Why did he choose that option?
How can I improve my writing skills?
Where will they hold the meeting?
What should I bring to the party?
Why does she seem so upset?
How can we prevent this from happening again?
Where might I find a good place to eat?
What does it take to become successful?
Why is the computer not working properly?
How could he forget about the appointment?
When should we start preparing for the exam?
Who can provide assistance with this task?
Why is the traffic so congested today?
What would you like to order from the menu?

W/H + Helping Verb + Subject + Verb + Rest of the Sentence

Why did she leave the party early?
How can they solve this problem?
When will he complete the project?
What should we do to improve the situation?
Where did you find that book?
How could she manage to finish the race?
Why have they decided to move to a new city?
When will the new software update be released?
What must I do to prepare for the upcoming exam?
How did they react when they heard the news?
Why should we consider this option?
When will the concert tickets go on sale?
What did she say during the meeting?
How might he approach the negotiation?
Why is the traffic so heavy today?
When can we expect the delivery to arrive?
What did you think of the movie?
How would you handle a difficult customer?
Why did they cancel the event?
When should I start working on the presentation?

W/H + Modal Verb + Subject + Verb + Rest of the Sentence

Where can I find a good restaurant?
How should we approach this problem?
What must I do to improve my skills?
Why might they choose the red option?
When can you visit us again?
Who may attend the conference?
Why would she want to study abroad?
What could be causing this issue?
How will he manage the project on his own?
Where must we submit our applications?

W/H + Be Verb + Subject + Rest of the Sentence

What is your name?
Where is the nearest grocery store?
How are you feeling today?
Why is the sky so cloudy?
When is the meeting scheduled?
Who is the new teacher?
Why are they laughing?
Where are my glasses?
How is your brother doing in school?
What are those birds called?
Who is responsible for this mess?
Why is the computer not working?
When is your birthday?
How is the project coming along?
What is the capital of France?
Why is she upset?
Where are my keys?
How is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Who is knocking on the door?
What is your favorite color?

W/H + Auxilliary Verb + Subject + Verb + Rest of the Sentence

What can they achieve with this approach?
How should I prepare for the upcoming exam?
When will she complete the project?
Where did they go on their vacation?
Why must we attend the meeting tomorrow?
Who could have solved this puzzle so quickly?
What may I do to improve my writing skills?
Why shouldn't they eat too much junk food?
When will the concert tickets be available for purchase?
How can we resolve this issue effectively?

W/H + Helping Verb + Subject + Main Verb + Rest of the Sentence

Why did she leave the party early?
Where have they been traveling recently?
How will he solve this complex math problem?
When did they start renovating the house?
What can I do to improve my communication skills?
Why has the company decided to rebrand its products?
How did she manage to finish the project ahead of time?
Where will they go for their summer vacation?
What should I prepare for the upcoming presentation?
When has he ever experienced such a thrilling adventure?
How did they come up with this innovative idea?
Why will she attend the conference next week?
Where should we store these important documents?
What could be causing the computer to run so slowly?
How did he learn to play the guitar so skillfully?

W/H + Verb + Subject + Rest of the Sentence

Where do birds migrate?
Why does the car stall sometimes?
How can I improve my writing skills?
When will the concert start?
What did he say during the meeting?
Why is the sky turning dark?
How do plants adapt to their environment?
When did they announce the winners?
What does this button activate?
How did you learn to play the piano?

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Do you insist on + verb + ing

Do you insist on going to the party even though you're not feeling well?
Do you insist on taking the lead in this project?
Do you insist on wearing that outfit to the formal event?
Do you insist on staying up late every night, despite knowing it affects your productivity?
Do you insist on continuing this argument, or can we find a resolution?
Do you insist on driving, or would you prefer to be a passenger?
Do you insist on bringing your pet to the office every day?
Do you insist on using your old phone, even though a new one would be more efficient?
Do you insist on ordering the same dish every time we come to this restaurant?
Do you insist on going through this process manually, or are you open to automation?
Do you insist on following that particular route, or can we consider an alternative way?
Do you insist on reading the entire book in one sitting, or can you pace yourself?
Do you insist on handling this task solo, or can I offer some assistance?
Do you insist on watching the movie tonight, or can we do something else?
Do you insist on having the windows open even though it's freezing outside?